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Executive Order 13603 – President Obama is NOT coming for your pinto beans!

I hate to let a few facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory, but here goes.

There has been an urban legend circulating that President Obama signed an executive order that “authorizes” him to seize preppers’ food storage (and a host of other evil things). We need to bury this rumor because it simply makes preppers look ridiculous when we are debating it. Don’t we have enough to worry about? There are very real concerns we need to prepare for: pandemic, solar flare, a terrorist attack on our infrastructure, a rogue state EMP weapon, economic collapse, hurricanes, floods, tornadoes, Miley Cyrus videos. There are all kinds of things that could bring about the end of the world as we know it. Let’s worry about preparing for those things and not fall prey to internet fear mongers…

Read the rest of this article on Plan and Prep!

Executive Order 13603 – President Obama is NOT coming for your pinto beans!