Author Michael Mabee explains grid threats – and what preppers can do about it

Preppers know every human being in the U.S. is literally on life support – plugged in to the electric grid. If somebody unplugs us, everything necessary to sustain our human population stops: food, water, fuel, transportation, medical, communications, financial – everything. The electric grid is vulnerable to numerous threats and the U.S. Senate said that in a long-term national-scale blackout, millions of U.S. citizens could die. After only a few weeks, we would die in droves from waterborne diseases, starvation and societal collapse. And what if the grid went down for longer than a few weeks?
So if we have known for over two decades from numerous federal reports and hearings, why hasn’t anything been done about it?
“The grid is self-regulated, explains Michael. “And the only federal agency with the authority to act – FERC – is run by industry insiders.”
For the past 15 years, the Commissioners of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission have been cut from the same piece of cloth. All but two were lawyers – and most go on to high power positions in huge law firms – representing the utility industry. Some actually go to the utility industry itself. In other words, for most past commissioners (and present ones, I’m sure) FERC is a stepping stone to a lucrative future position in the industry, or representing the industry.
Is it any wonder that FERC Commissioners don’t want to upset the industry by requiring them to protect the electric grid from hazards such as cyber, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), geomagnetic disturbance (GMD), physical attacks and untrimmed foliage? The industry is fighting efforts to harden the grid, so if you are a FERC Commissioner, why would you annoy the industry that is going to give you a lucrative position when you leave FERC?
Moreover, despite the numerous threats to the U.S. electric grid, the federal government has no plan for a long-term power outage. FEMA recently admitted this at the National Preparedness Symposium on May 24, 2018:
“Current planning does not include any contingencies for very long term or extremely wide spread power outages.” -FEMA
Michael has put together a comprehensive website with information on the threats and specific actions we can take.
“I became a prepper because of my research into the threats to the electric grid,” Michael added. “I became actively involved in trying to secure the grid because I have always loved our country and want to work to protect it.”
Preppers have a tendency to be people of action and people who are more aware of the threats than the average citizens. Preppers also tend to be a patriotic group and many are veterans or family of veterans. Michael advocates a return to the civil defense concept of community preparedness – and preppers can play a key role in their communities.
“It is not enough to be the only prepared family,” Michael cautions. “If we experience a societal collapse or ‘WROL’ scenario – your family will not be safe if everybody around you is starving.”
Most people do not have the resources to “bug out” to a cabin in the woods hundreds of miles away from civilization. For many, sheltering in place is the only option. If we are forced to flee or “bug-out,” we may become refugees. Thus, it doesn’t matter how prepared we are, if society around us collapses, it places us all in grave danger.
This is a critical point: FEMA’s number one goal in its 2018-2022 Strategic Plan is this: Build a Culture of Preparedness. This information has not made headlines.
“Where does this culture already exist? Preppers. We already have a culture of preparedness,” notes Michael. “And we also have a great tradition of sharing our knowledge. Some of my inspirations are people like Daisy Luther, Survivor Jane, Rick Austin, Zion Prepper and YouTube’s Southern Prepper 1, – these are people who want to teach Americans to survive.”
Preppers can play a key role in saving this country. There are two areas of focus that Michael advocates we be involved with:
First, the federal government must fix the failed current regulatory scheme which has proven unable to protect the self-regulated electric grid.
Second, we need 35,000 towns and cities across the United States to build a culture of preparedness.
On each of these items – which are critical to U.S. national security as well as our individual and family security – preppers are uniquely qualified to get involved and make a difference.
- We have the situational awareness to hold our government accountable for protecting the grid. We can accomplish this by engaging our elected officials, the media and the federal government. We can participate in changing federal regulations!
- We have the knowledge and expertise in preparedness that we can bring to our communities. We can be part of the solution and help to “build a culture of preparedness” in the U.S.
And remember, the reason the U.S. electric grid is such a fat juicy target to Russia, China, Iran and North Korea is precisely because they know we are not prepared. When preppers help their neighbors and communities, they are increasing the resiliency of the U.S. from a long-term catastrophe – and making an attack a less attractive option. Thus, preppers can contribute to the national security of the U.S. in a substantial way.