America: Get in the fight to secure the grid!
Effective immediately, the American people must demand that the Senate and the President they elected take timely and appropriate measures to save the current EMP Commission and give it (or another entity that includes their personnel) appropriate authorities to address threats to the electric grid in order to ensure that the Nation does not suffer a pro-longed blackout and unprecedented loss of life and property.
At a time when nuclear-capable North Korea threatens the United States daily with the prospect of a high altitude nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack (which they have been rehearsing for much of the past decade), as the sun continues to produce technology-killing geomagnetic solar storms, and as both state-sponsored and non-state hackers continue to penetrate our grid with malicious and potentially devastating cyberattacks, the House Armed Services Committee and Department of Defense have, as of 31 July 2017, dismantled the only honest arbiter working to get the dysfunctional federal government to address these growing threats – The Congressional EMP Commission.
For further details regarding the history of the EMP Commission, its demise, and how YOU can help, click either button below.
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