Tommy Waller Breaks Down Grid Security – And What You Can Do!

Listen to Tommy Waller’s Excellent Presentation on Grid Security:
Tommy Waller, Director of the Secure the Grid Coalition, recently gave this presentation for the Eagle Forum. Here are the two links he discusses with information on how you can take action to help us secure the grid!
We need to be heard – You can help!
FERC is accepting comments on this white paper (FERC Docket No. AD19-18-000) until October 28, 2019. We need to all let the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) know that the security of the electric grid is critical – secret regulation and coverups are unacceptable to the public. As a citizen, you have the right to file a comment in this docket and be heard! Below are some of the comments that have already been filed that you can look at for examples.
Tell the Commission in your letter that the public has the right to know the names of companies that violate the regulatory standards and we need sufficient details to make sure that the regulatory system is working! Tell the Commission that you support the alternate proposal submitted by Michael Mabee on September 3, 2019.
The deadline to file on this docket is October 28, 2019 so write your letter today and submit it online to FERC Docket Number AD19-18-000, or mail it in to FERC (Be sure to include the Docket Number in your letter). To submit YOUR own filing to FERC, download and use these instructions to file BEFORE 28 October! See below for helpful examples and remember, you’re submitting an eFiling – not eComments (see the instructions).
Submit to FERC online HERE (you need to register if this is your first time – see these instructions if this is your first time.)
or, submit by mail:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary
ATTN: Docket No. AD19-18-000
888 First Street, NE
Washington, DC 20426
Click HERE to see other citizens filings and letters in this docket.
Here are Tommy Waller’s presentation slides:

Tommy Waller