Press Release: New Book – Real Risk Management for Electric Grid

August 24, 2016
For immediate release:
The new book by emergency planner, Jim LeBlanc, is now available on Amazon.
Real Risk Management for the Electric Grid: Critical Task Planning for Long Term Power Outages
Emergency planner Jim LeBlanc has written a ground-up guide of practical steps that individuals and families can take to prepare for long term black outs. Much more than just an emergency preparedness book, Real Risk Management for the Electric Grid gives context. The government has identified specific hazards that can take down the U.S. electrical system over large areas for long periods of time. Thinking through how to prepare your family and community is just the first step to preventing the possibility of a long term black out.
Real Risk Management for the Electric Grid explains the flawed approach of big government to prevent major long-term black outs and how individual awareness is the building block for business and local emergency preparedness that will lead in helping communities understand that it is far better to prevent a long term black out than to try and recover from one. Those who adapt the skills and critical thinking inspired by Jim LeBlanc’s book will be the people who help our policy makers understand why it is so important to secure the nation’s electrical grid.
Jim Leblanc’s “Real Risk Management” provides a comprehensive explanation of wide-area electromagnetic threats, risks to our individual and corporate survival, effective solutions, and the political roadblocks to achieving national, state and local preparedness. The monograph provides excellent advice to citizens on personal preparedness and advocating for government and industry programs to protect life-supporting infrastructures. It is an excellent reference for citizens, public officials, and infrastructure services executives.George BakerProfessor Emeritus, James Madison UniversityCongressional EMP Commission
Real Risk Management for the Electrical Grid gives practical information for individuals and families. If everyone were to use the checklist Mr. LeBlanc gives in the back of the book and follow his practical advice throughout the book, they would be better prepared than if they merely followed the typical advice of having food and water for three to five days. I especially liked Mr. LeBlanc’s suggestion to obtain “how to” books on pre-electric society such as the Foxfire Book Series. Being prepared for long term electric grid outage would prepare people for other emergencies.Mary LaskyJohns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
For interviews with the author or other experts on business continuity, emergency preparedness, or national security, email