Survivor Jane: Where There Is No Cosmetic Counter
Book Review. Survivor Jane: Where There is no Cosmetic Counter: How Not to Look Like a Zombie – Even After the End of the World As You Know It.
It’s about damn time we had a book from Survivor Jane. For those who do not know her, Jane is the creator of which bills itself as “Survival Preparedness for Women” (but it’s just a downright excellent preparedness site for men too!). She is also the creator of the #PrepperTalk hash-tag on Twitter and Google+. With 11,000 followers on Twitter, Survivor Jane is one of the most popular and most helpful preppers I have met. Whether you are a new prepper or an old crusty “survivalist,” Survivor Jane is someone you need to follow. She is in it to help others learn to be more prepared and self reliant.
Her new book, Where There is no Cosmetic Counter, is an important book that belongs in your preparedness library. Here is the main thought I was struck by while reading it: Look in your medicine cabinet, bathroom countertop, shelves in your shower – what if all those bottles and tubes were gone? In a long term collapse of the electric grid, there may be no more cosmetics and remedies – and everyday health products – at your local grocery store or pharmacy. What then? This book answers the question.
While this book is targeted towards women, there is much in here for any preparedness minded person or family. I am a man and, despite any assertions to the contrary, I’m not stupid. But while reading Survivor Jane’s book, I realized that there are a lot of things that I hadn’t given much – or any thought to. While men may think of preps like food, water and ammo, perhaps it takes a woman to think of things like replacements for commercially produced toothpaste and oral care products. Think of it: If there are no dentists available and suddenly you or someone in your family has a dental issue, it can be a big problem. Survivor Jane’s book is chock full of items that you can make with everyday household ingredients. Things like toothpaste and mouthwash will be critical for preventing dental issues, for example. The book is also full of things I didn’t know, such as “oil pulling” for oral hygiene.
Survivor Jane Nails Important Preparedness Areas
Okay, that could have been a really bad pun because there is a section in her book on nail care. But I’m talking about the book in general. Survivor Jane’s book has a ton of information, techniques and recipes that you’re just not going to find anywhere else. It fills an important gap in your preparedness library. Let me give you one example: toilet paper. I’ve known many preppers that stockpile hundreds and hundreds of rolls of toilet paper. It takes up a lot of room, and once it is gone, it is gone. then what? It’s got me to thinking over the years: what did people do before toilet paper? (This information is lost to most of us who have never been without it.)
So, what alternatives would there be if there was simply no more toilet paper? Survivor Jane to the rescue. Not only is there an excellent alternative, but it is something you could do now and not have to worry about toilet paper even before the apocalypse! And, as a result of Survivor Jane’s innovative alternative, I have purchased the necessary components for under $15. While I plan to continue to squeeze the Charmin prior to Armageddon, I don’t want to be caught with my pants down, so to speak, afterwards! (As Survivor Jane would say, “just sayin’.”)
This book is not just for use after a long term crisis – there are many replacements in Survivor Jane’s book for the expensive and chemical laden products that we use today. So whether you are looking for alternatives when you can no longer get the products you presently use – or you’re looking to replace products you presently use with more natural alternatives, this book is for you.
Survivor Jane’s Book Is For The Ladies:
It is true: Survivor Jane can show you “how not to look like a zombie – even after the end of the world as you know it.” If the every day health and beauty products you are used to are no more, there are natural, easy to make and effective alternatives. This book is a gold mine of ideas and practical solutions – some of which you might want to try now if you are looking for more natural alternatives to your current (expensive) commercial goo.
Survivor Jane’s Book Is For The Guys:
Guys: Don’t be ashamed. You are going to find this book as informative and educational as the ladies will. And let me be more blunt: For those guys out there that feel it is the man’s responsibility to take care of their family and be the leader, you don’t know the stuff in this book. When your family turns to you for answers, Survivor Jane is offering you a lot of solutions. Take her up on it. You’ll be a better man for it. (Here I picture The God Father saying to Johnny Fontaine: “A man can never be a real man unless he knows alternative methods for post apocalyptic personal hygiene.”)
Bottom line: Survivor Jane’s Where There is no Cosmetic Counter belongs in your preparedness library.

Book Info:
Title: Where There is no Cosmetic Counter: How Not to Look Like a Zombie – Even After the End of the World As You Know It
Paperback: 272 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (December 15, 2013)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1484856201
ISBN-13: 978-1484856208
Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.7 inches
(Note: As you can see on my Amazon review, this was an “Amazon Verified Purchase” meaning I bought the book myself.)