Don't let the lights go out in America... Get smart and take action!... Learn the facts and what to do in A Call to Action for America.

Harden the Grid

Driving into City at Night

Who can help?

The following are vendors and resources for solutions to mitigate various threats to electronics and electrical systems.  The Secure the Grid Coalition does not receive any funding via either monies, goods, or services from these vendors nor does the Secure the Grid Coalition endorse any specific vendor.  Additional vendors and resources can be found via the internet.

Instant Access Networks, LLC




E3TEK Mitigation Technology


Hardened Structures Hardened Shelters, LLC

Mission Secure

The Way Forward

Don’t wait on Washington to fix this!

  • Since federal government and industry resolution are lagging, act regionally to harden your existing grid infrastructure and/or to establish new micro-grids hardened against all hazards.

Immediately educate key leaders and stakeholders in your region.

  • Join InfraGard and expand/support state Secure the Grid Coalition teams.
  • Consider your company joining the Secure the Grid Corporate Council.
  • Schedule threat briefings for key leaders.  Draw from as many independent sources as possible.
  • Procure and provide available educational resources to as many decision makers as possible.
  • Encourage executive branch leadership at state and local level to create an associated task force or working group to address this issue.

Remember policy initiatives require support and supervision.

  • Adopt policy statements and gather grassroots and grasstops support stating regional/local/State governments and industry must adopt the policy and act to assure the regional grid will suffer no outage for longer than 30 days due to any type of attack.  Make these policies known to your federal legislators.
  • Take local initiatives (legislation, PUC rules, Executive Orders) to adopt this policy in law, regulation.  Call for both prevention and reconstitution mandates.
  • Set up incisive, ongoing oversight by state legislative committees and local government (county Boards of Supervisors, Mayors and City Councils) who should request monthly updates on industry and government steps to implement the policy adopted.

What should be done?

Ensure CURRENT grid infrastructure is hardened against ALL HAZARDS.

  • Identify Critical Assets in your region and share information between proper agencies, update vulnerability assessments, PROTECT them from all hazards, especially physical attack – immediately.
  • Recognize that transformers (large e.g. 500-765kv but also smaller sized) should be pre-manufactured and pre-positioned in a secure location – e.g. on a nearby military or national guard base – since these are essential to re-constitution.  The military services in the Pentagon have previously indicated interest in storing critical grid reconstitution supplies on bases and helping industry move them into place following an outage.
  • Public Service Commissioners must be involved and consider contracting independent expertise.
  • Plan for response & recovery after a pro-longed power outage.

Address NUCLEAR POWER PLANTS in your region.

  • Mitigate risks and create opportunities.
  • Harden against ALL HAZARDS – including EMP – and work “black start” capabilities.
  • Create fuel storage and fuel transportation plans to support generators.

Harden power to critical refineries (explore COGEN capabilities) in your region.

  • Explore the opportunity for hardening COGEN facilities and creating “micro grids” surrounding these facilities to send power to local communities.

Add DOD installations in the Gulf South Region.

  • Identify locations for ballistic missile early warning and missile defense.
  • Aegis Ashore systems to cover early warning and missile defense from the southern U.S.
  • Conduct islanding and create safe havens where possible.
  • A critical first step strategy – U.S. Military bases and National Guard facilities should island from the vulnerable grid with independent on site power wherever possible, producing their own electricity.
  • These “safe havens” can send power out to communities where ample, and assure the military can assist with maintaining order in civil society as well as help restoring the civilian grid.
  • A well planned grid attack is likely to couple with a secondary attack, making military operations essential to defend our country.

Plan for prolonged blackouts in coordination with EMAs and National Guard.

  • National Guard participation in “GridEx” exercises, “The Dupont Summit,” and “EarthEx.”
  • Lean on support from Secure the Grid Coalition members.

Ensure FUTURE infrastructure investments are hardened against ALL HAZARDS.

  • Identify opportunities for the creation of hardened micro-grids around key facilities that are critical for life support (such as water treatment, hospitals, communications facilities, etc.).
  • Work with electric utility providers to have independent experts verify that future infrastructure investment is in fact hardened against all hazards.